Guide for Presenters and Chairs


1. Language

The official language for oral presentation is English.

2. Presentation Slides

Presenter is required to prepare their presentation slides as below:

  • 1) Format: Microsoft Office PowerPoint (.pptx)
  • 2) Aspect ratio: 16:9 (recommended) or 4:3
  • 3) Size of letters and numbers: 24 points or larger

3. Presentation time

Presentation time is 15 minutes plus 5 minutes of discussions.

* Please do not exceed this time as this would result in you using time allocated to other speakers.

4. Presentation Equipment

The following equipment is available in each presentation room.

  • 1) LCD Projector with a HDMI display cable
  • 2) Laser pointer
  • 3) Microphone
  • 4) Audio speaker

Please bring your own laptop PC with HDMI port for presentation. Before the presentation, please make sure that you are familiar with the audiovisual equipment in the session room. A technical staff will be available to help you.

5. Briefing before technical session

Please arrive at your session room 15 minutes before the session starts. The chairpersons of your session will confirm the attendance and have a brief meeting before starting the session. To avoid technical problems, please have your computer checked for the projector connection before the technical session starts.


1. Language

The official language for oral presentation is English.

2. Presentation time

Presentation time is 15 minutes plus 5 minutes of discussions.

*Please be concerned with keeping time in schedule, and strictly enforce 20-minute time limit for each presentation time slot.

3. Briefing before technical session

Please arrive at your session room 15 minutes before the session starts.

  • 1) Check the attendance of presenters in the session.
  • 2) Check the connection of the presenters' laptop PC with the projector in the session room.
  • 3) Inform speakers about the presentation time (generally 15 minutes plus 5 minutes of discussions).

4. Others

FAST-zero’23 staff will stand by in each session room for technical assistance.

5. how to organize the session

I. Beginning of session
  • 1) Audio and visual recording and photography in the room are prohibited, except for the permitted press.
  • 2) Please refrain from cell phones usage and set them on silent mode.

NOTE: Please notify the audience if the presenters have been changed.

II. Q & A time

Now, the paper is open for discussions.
Please raise your hands if you have a question.
Before questioning, I would like to ask you announce your name and the name of the company or organization.

III. End of session

Finally, I would like to thank all speakers and audience in coming to this session.
Thank you very much for all speakers in preparing their papers and their presentations for FAST-zero’23 symposium.
The organizing committee members would like to ask you help them selecting the best presentation award of FAST-zero’23. Please use the voting ballot in your conference kit and submit to the conference desk. The deadline is before the closing session on Friday.
I would like to give a big hand to all of you. I wish you enjoy the rest of the conference.